Don’t read this review. Don’t play this game. Don’t look at me.
video game reviews
Life is Strange
If you’ve read my review of DAR, you know that I get super angry when people like things that I hate. Ever since Life is Strange released its fifth and final chapter on October 20, I’ve been suffering an increasing number of people praising it – for its story, for its characters, and even for its “deep” “meaningful” ending. Needless to say, I’m… a tad irritated.
There’s a lot of talk in video game analysis about game designers’ overwhelming reliance on violence as a mechanic, and the culture that it encourages. There are, of course, reasons why violent video games are so popular; they allow players a relatively harmless outlet for negative emotions, for one. Certain kinds of violent games also encourage ideas about masculine power and the perceived link between “manliness” and violence, letting men fantasize about shooting people without having to deal with the real-life consequences of doing so. And of course, making characters you only interact with through murderation is a lot easier, development-wise, than letting you have, like, a meaningful conversation with them.