Hey friends, just a heads up, I’m skipping this week’s update. I kinda bit off more than I could chew with a gigantic, broad topic and my current draft just isn’t something that’s good enough to publish. I’d rather take the time to get this one right. Look for it on this coming Sunday. In the meantime, let’s go through the mail! Which all seems to be about Sister Claire for some reason?
mail bag
Announcing Hate Week (and a mail bag)
You’ve seen the signs. We all have. When you go to the drug store, the grocery store, the student services office, everything’s… red. You’ve seen, with your own eyes, greeting cards with like, fuckin’ twitterpated doves on them or some shit. You can try to ignore it, but you can’t escape it. It’s here. Valentine’s Day.
Mail Bag #14, and a small update
I’m getting back on track with regular mail bags this week, and there are plenty of messages to post! There’s also been a huge positive response to my latest post, and I’m glad so many people are finding it helpful. But first, I’ve made a change to the site that might seem minor, but I think is important.
Mail Bag #13
Here’s the rest of the reader messages I accumulated in the past couple months.
Mail Bag #12
Hey friends! It’s been a rough month here at Yes Homo headquarters, plagued by illness both mental and viral. The resulting lapse in updates sucks, but fortunately for you, it’s coming to a close! I’ll be back this Sunday on schedule with a new review. In the meantime, let’s take a look at some of the reader mail I’ve been neglecting over the course of this miserable winter.